
How to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination
How to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination

how to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination

The number combination locks work on the basics of force and balance and unlock with the help of combinations and sequences. It was some time ago that the old traditional padlocks were upgraded to number combination locks that work on the principles of physics. You may also try to crack the code of the lock by turning the wheels while creating tension on the lock shackles.You can use a shim created using an aluminum can to open a 4-digit combination lock without code.

how to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination how to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination

To open a combination lock with 4 numbers, align the wheels on the lock face as per the digits of the code.

How to open a brinks 4 digit combination lock without the combination